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Jejaring Alumnee and Returning Expert Activities


Santri Incubation Internship.


Santri Incubation Internship…

Santri Incubation Internship Program is a program initiated by JARI Foundation (Indonesian Alumni and Returnee Network) in collaboration with the…

JARI visit to Indonesian Palace

On Wednesday, December.

JARI visit to Indonesian Palace

On Wednesday, December…

On Wednesday, December 2, 2020, the JARI Foundation together with GIZ Indonesia paid a visit to the State Palace of…

Investment Gap as well as Opportunities and Challenges of Livestock Business in Aceh

The workshop of.

Investment Gap as well as Opportunities and Challenges of Livestock Business in Aceh

The workshop of…

The workshop of “Gap Investasi serta Peluang dan Tantangan Bisnis Peternakan di Aceh” has been conducted in Banda Aceh city,…

Returning Expert And German Alumni Contribution For SMEs Development

SMEs are one.

Returning Expert And German Alumni Contribution For SMEs Development

SMEs are one…

SMEs are one of the sources of Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and play important role in the improvement of…

What we have done

See how we are reaching millions of people all over the world and helping.

German Alumni Collaboration on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia

German Alumni Collaboration on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia...

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Investment Gap as well as Opportunities and Challenges of Livestock Business in Aceh

The workshop of “Gap Investasi serta Peluang dan Tantangan Bisnis...

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