Santri Incubation Internship Program is a program initiated by JARI Foundation (Indonesian Alumni and Returnee Network) in collaboration with the Special Staff to the President of the Republic of Indonesia and with the support of the German Government through the Migration and Diaspora Program of GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) and Cirebon Regency Government. This program aims to prepare students as human resources for the professional world through digital literacy, aside from being a program carried out to revitalize the Indonesian vocational education policies.

Indonesia is currently undergoing a transition phase as it develops into a knowledge-based economy focused on increased competitiveness, growth, and employment performance for the industrial revolution. Recently, Indonesia’s Ministry of Industry has designed ‘Making Indonesia 4.0’ as an integrated roadmap to implement many strategies to enter the Industry 4.0 era. The roadmap requires collaborative actions among multiple stakeholders, from government institutions, associations, and industry players, to academia. In this matter, the national industrial sector needs a lot of improvements, particularly in the technology mastery aspect, which has become the ultimate key to competing in the Industry 4.0 era.

In academia, the revitalization of vocational high schools is one of the tangible policies implemented by the Indonesian Government to prepare for the Industrial Revolution 4.0. It is also reinforced by Presidential Instruction Number 6 of 2016, which focuses on revitalizing vocational schools and human resources in Indonesia.
Therefore, to develop vocational high schools in Indonesia, JARI Foundation (Indonesian Alumni and Returnee Network), in collaboration with the Special Staff of the President of the Republic of Indonesia and Cirebon Regency Government and with the support of the German Government through the Migration and Diaspora program of GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), took the initiative to launch an internship program known as Santri Incubation Internship Program (SIIP).

The Santri Incubation Internship Program assists the students, particularly those from Islamic boarding schools, primarily known as pesantren, explore the world of business and the industrial sector. Hopefully, this program could serve as a stepping stone for students to improve their competitiveness, strengths, and skills in the professional world.